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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

TripleClicks features regular auctions which make them easier to use, understand, and ultimately make more money with.

 If you don't know how penny auctions work, they are quite simple and basically consist of four main parts: 

1.        A new or refurbished product i.e. iPod, iPad, Laptop, TV, gift card or just about any other product you can think of

2.       Bidding credits or TCredits at TripleClicks (Triple clicks currency)

3.      People like you to bid on the products

4.      A countdown timer 

Learning how PriceBenders penny auctions work is relatively simple. The price of the auction product usually starts out at just one penny. Then as the bidding progresses, one penny is added to the price every time someone bids.


Most PriceBenders auctions usually start with five minutes on the timer and the timer counts down to zero. Each time someone bids, the timer resets to the start time. Then as bids increase, the amount of time that the timer resets to is progressively lowered to force the auction to close.

The last person to bid when the timer hits zero is the auction winner. They can then purchase the item they won at the closing auction price when the timer hit zero. The final selling price of the item is the price of the product at auction close, plus the cost of the TCredits they used during bidding. 

T-credits is the curency of Tripleclicks storse which is used to bidding aucations & much more Things. You can Buy T-credis just little as $ 0.29 Just click Here
  Free T-credis
 Become a wave3 member just for and get unlimited free T- credits.  Lifetime membership fee is Only $ 1.95. You can join wave3 program Here
                  You Win Even If You Loose

They have a special Member's Rewards Program (MRP) that awards you for various things you do on their site. For each penny auction bid you make, you earn 5 Member Reward Points (MRP's). This mean that unlike other auction sites out there when you get outbid  ,your bids are not just lost. You actually earn something from every bid

Contact  – Amila Lakmal

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